RedPin Asks, Where Are Toronto’s Most And Least Expensive Homes Located?

If there’s anything Torontonians obsess over as much as the Jays, the Leafs, and Drake, it’s real estate. All over the city – and country – people love to talk about how much their homes, and those of their neighbors, might be worth if sold today and what it would take to snag a new house.

Trouble is, it’s hard for average folks to obtain solid, neutral estimates of the market values of homes without consulting a real estate agent. And truthfully, we wouldn’t recommend doing much of anything in the real estate market without a qualified agent at your disposal.

It’s believed that the East side has been, historically, cheaper than the west side – but is that stillt he case? RedPin reopens the debate, and, after analyzing prices of detached houses, condos and townhouses across all of Toronto’s 102 postal codes, they finally have an answer!

What are your guesses? Here are the numbers that they’ve come up with.

First, they talk average prices:

*(In keeping with the Toronto Real Estate Board’s demarcations, we used the Don Valley Parkway and Dufferin Street as the city’s two dividing lines.)

Next they mapped out the most and least expensive postal codes to purchase real estate for condos and detached houses across the City of Toronto, along with neighbourhoods that experienced the highest sales volumes. Rosedale? The Bridle Path? Davisville?

If you’re curious where the most and least expensive homes are located, RedPin has – using Google Maps – created little web-based applications that allow you to track where the money is and isnt by postal code! Check them out here.

Just because the market is hot, doesn’t mean it won’t still take a lot of careful planning, good advice, and strategic effort to sell your home. If you’re considering selling, don’t underestimate how critical one must prepare and price your property to successfully attract a Buyer.

~ Posted by Steven Fudge, the purveyor of and proprietor of, a division of Bosley Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage.

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